4 Reasons Why Personal Computers Are Better For Gaming Than Consoles

If you were wondering whether to invest in a gaming PC or the latest console, this article has the answer for you. There are plenty of reasons why a gaming desktop or laptop is a far sounder solution than purchasing Microsoft or Sony’s latest plastic contraption.

Everything from gameplay experience to pricing is far better for dedicated PC gamers. Here are 4 of the most compelling reasons why you should choose a PC over a console.


Gaming laptops and desktops are not cheap by any means, but they are far more affordable than purchasing the latest console every time one becomes obsolete. Entry-level gaming computers will set you back less than the latest Sony or Microsoft console and can always be upgraded if more performance is needed for the latest game releases.

Keep an eye out for the best PC and laptop deals gaming. Gaming laptops are especially affordable and are just as customizable as their desktop equivalents – minus some cooling options.


When you buy a gaming console – even a top-of-the-range one – you pretty much get what you have paid for. For the first couple of years, you can play the latest releases well. Unfortunately, once your console is obsolete there is very little recourse for you to upgrade it.

Console companies release the newest console games in different formats every single time a new machine is released. This is purely a money-making exercise. By introducing new game formats, companies are forcing customers to purchase new consoles. PC gaming is not beholden to this dynamic. Gaming PCs and laptops are upgradable in a number of important ways.

It is possible to completely upgrade a gaming PC or laptop with a new Graphics Processing Unit and Random Access Memory card for a fraction of the cost of a new machine. This allows you to keep your old gaming computer from becoming old hat for years, while console users are left with a living room full of obsolete devices.

Controller Options

Although some consoles are able to use various peripheral controllers, these are generally considered to be distracting gimmicks. PCs, on the other hand, can be outfitted with all sorts of control devices that genuinely improve the gaming experience. The best ergonomic gaming mice and keyboards, for instance, make gaming more comfortable and help to give users a competitive edge.

Competitive Edge

This last point might not apply to a great many readers, but for some it is very important. Compared to consoles, Personal Computers are far more suited to competitive gaming. Competitive gamers are typically thankful for the unlimited upgradability of PCs.

Mice and peripherals (like ergonomic keyboards and flight simulation joysticks) allow for performance edges to be gained against online opponents. PCs are the standard platforms used by professional gamers. Professional competitive gaming – or esports – is now an absolutely huge industry and, as such, gaming laptops and PCs are likely to become even more popular.


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