Order Business Checks From Reputable Sites and Avoid Bank Fraud

In the modern age on online payments, checks might sound a bit outdated to most people. But as a business owner, you know the value of paper checks in the 21st century. Most people do not know that 10-15 billion checks get cashed every year. The transactions done with those checks can reach up to a few trillion dollars. Thus it is not surprising that many online websites offer personalized check printing services for businesses. Personalized checks are still a valuable financial tool for most companies since they also serve in marketing the business. Most of these websites offer a fast check printing service for businesses. But not all of them provide high-quality checks that have the latest security features. Ordering from such sites can leave you vulnerable to check fraud.

Check Fraud

Even though current technology has made checks obsolete, billions of dollars are lost every year due to check fraud. That’s because, with the current technology, it has become easier to print counterfeit checks. Thieves can use laptops, printers, and paper to print fake checks since most of the information about checks is available on the internet.

Security Features of a Check

Reputable printers put several security features into checks to prevent fraud. Some of these are:

  • There are micro prints on checks that look like lines to the naked eye. These words can be read under magnification.
  • The paper or ink is reactive to certain chemicals and will come off if there is an attempt to wash the check.
  • Many reputable printers put heat-reactive markings on checks that change appearance when touched for some time. These markings are difficult for regular printers to replicate.
  • UV markings on the paper that can be checked by bankers under black light.
  • Holographic seals that are difficult to replicate.
  • Designs printed at the back of the checks that will get destroyed when scanned on or copied.

Most personal checks do not have these features. But business checks printed by reputable companies carry these security features to make transactions secure. Checks that adhere to security guidelines set forth by the Check Payment Systems Association (CPSA) put a small padlock sign next to the amount line. Reputed check printing websites use one of CPSA’s authorized printers to print business checks. Some online check printing sites might also refer to the Financial Stationers Association (FSA), which is CPSA’s older name.

Even if your business check printing company mentions accreditation to CPSA or FSA, it is still advisable to run a few tests to verify that the checks have adequate security features. Sometimes business check printing services might miss a security feature or two. Some of the features that get missed easily are discussed below.


If you take a closer look at the check, it should carry an MP label, which means that the lines are microprint. Still, it is advisable to cross-check that both the front and the back signature lines are microprinted words and not just squiggly lines. The microprinted line should be legible under magnification. If it is not easily readable, the bank might reject the check.


Reputable check printers would carry patterns that are intricate and difficult to get copied. These patterns look extremely faded and will disappear completely is you try to scan or copy the check. Once you get your business checks, you can see for yourself if the patterns look complex enough to be replicated. You can also try to scan or photocopy the check and see if the design fades or not.

Reaction to Chemicals

Forgers use certain chemicals to wash off the ink used to print the name and amount. Reputable check printers make the check reactive to these chemicals so that it changes color or fades away when it is exposed or washed. If there is no chemically reactive protection, the check can get easily washed and altered. You can cross-check this feature by exposing the check to some acetone or bleach.

If checks do not have adequate security features, they can get rejected by the bank’s teller. Your bank might have a set of security requirements that they fulfill with the checks they print. If you use an alternative source to print personalized checks, make sure that the company knows about these guidelines. Most reputable check printers would ask for a copy of a canceled check from you to get the details that need to get printed. Reputed printing companies have the security requirements of each bank, and they will make sure that your check meets those.

Despite taking all precautionary measures, businesses often become victims of check fraud. That is why you must always be on the lookout for any fraudulent transactions in your business checking account. If you notice any irregularities, inform the bank immediately. When it comes to check-fraud, it is better to be safe than to regret it later.

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