I’m Choncé
Here’s my money story
I grew up in a home where money was rarely talked about in a positive way. By the time I was finishing college, I had developed a very unhealthy relationship with money and racked up a ton of debt. As a young single mom, I struggled to make ends meet would stay up late worrying about how I was going to pay bills and what my future would look like.

feeling stuck and wanting more?
I can help
You want to stop stressing about money, pay off your debt, and have a clear plan for your future that actually works. Maybe you’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck and are looking to simplify your life at the same time.
You’re in the right place! I know what it feels like to be stuck between the hustle culture and feeling the need to work extra to make ends meet and reach your goals. But then also feeling burnt out and unfulfilled with where you are in life currently. I discuss all this on My Debt Epiphany while sharing what I’ve learned about paying down debt, saving, earning extra money, traveling on a budget, and more.
My breaking point or ‘financial epiphany’ as I like to call it occurred when I went to do my laundry one day and realized I didn’t have any money. I only needed some change to use the laundry machines at my apartment, but I was flat-out broke.
Turning point
After checking all the couch cushions and even the parking lot at my apartment in desperation, I realized that I was completely fed up.
I was tired of struggling and living that way. And I was ready to do something about it. Even though I wasn’t making a ton of money, I sat down and made a budget to get clear on my finances. Next, I soaked up knowledge from every financial resource and book around while developing a plan to tackle my debt.
A timeline of my journey…
So you’ll love hanging out here if you want to:
- Finally view your financial life as something that you have control
over - Develop healthy money habits that allow you to pay off debt, save
money and invest - Simplify your life and your finances – no keeping up with the Joneses
here and no social media FOMO - Enjoy the freedom that comes with living a frugal lifestyle based on
your priorities and on your own terms - Learn how to truly make your money work for you so you can do things you’ve always dreamed about like travel, invest, or start a flexible business
- Enter a place of rest and financial stability – not just working to
pay bills all time, never getting ahead and repeating that cycle
While some people don’t like to talk about the inner workings of personal finance, it’s my vice and being open and honest about money has helped me learn so much more over the years. It’s all about finding ways to use money as a tool to enhance your life, gain stability, and go after your priorities.
Interviews & Mentions
Stop Worrying About Money and Regain Control

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