Beginners’ Guide to Buying Organic Food on a Budget
There has been a big push in recent years to make the switch to organic foods. There are so many benefits that come with it, and as more and more studies are being carried out, the evidence is becoming increasingly clear.
It’s no secret that most of the food we find in our supermarkets is full of pesticides and additives that are used to help the food grow better and look better. After all, when it comes to choosing between a delicious, bright red apple and its dull counterpart, which one would you opt for? But this is far from the best way to choose your foods, and people are now becoming more aware of this than ever.
Organic foods are free of these harmful additives, in addition to having more nutrients, including antioxidants. The only downside? They come with a higher price tag. Even though organic food has grown in popularity over the years, certified organic farms only account for 1% of farms in the US. This isn’t enough to feed the demand, and so prices are higher for organic food as a result. In fact, a Consumer Reports analysis found that, on average, the prices on organic foods were 47% higher than on their conventional counterparts. So, where does this leave you if you’re looking to make the switch to organic on a budget?
We have you sorted! We all want to enjoy the health benefits that come with organic foods without having to worry about the price tag. Thankfully, there are a few options available to help you budget for these healthier foods. Here’s how:
- Grow your own: You can’t get much more organic than growing fresh vegetables and fruits in your own backyard. In doing so, you’ll eliminate any travel time and thus ensure you’re always enjoying food when it’s freshest. Of course, this does take a fair bit of effort. It’s important to have a read on the fruits and vegetables you are interested in and do a little research about the conditions they grow under. This will save you time and disappointment in the long run. The best part? You grow almost anywhere with almost any amount of space. Pop a planter box on a windowsill, line your driveway, or designate a whole patch in your backyard. The options are yours to consider!
- Cut down on meat: When it comes to buying organic, meat is about as expensive as it gets. There really is no substitute for organic meat, and once you make the switch, you aren’t likely to make the switch back. For a simple solution, just consider eating less of it. You can also choose the cheaper cuts to make your dollar go even further. Plus, when you throw them into a tasty stew, the cheaper cuts tend to be much more tender anyway. Incorporate more veggies into your diet and save yourself some money.
- Buy online: Consider buying your organic vegetables online to save some time, money, and effort. Farmbox Direct is an organic produce delivery service that offers organic vegetables and fruits. They box up the produce to give you the best value possible and send you a weekly menu, full of the freshest ingredients. It’s an easy way to take the pressure off and to stick to a budget each and every week. Plus, with all their choices when it comes to organic vegetable delivery, you will be mixing up your diet each week and getting a huge variety of nutrients.
- Buy seasonal: There’s no quicker and easier way to save money than buying seasonal. The concept is so simple: when a fruit or vegetable is in season it grows well and there is plenty of it available. This means the prices drop and you can enjoy it for less.Too often, people get set on a recipe they have found online and insist on buying those particular ingredients. If this is you, change the way you shop: look for the seasonal items and then plan your menu for the week. It will save you lots of cash over time.
- Shop around: Thanks to the world of online shopping, it’s even easier to shop around for the best price. Even all the big supermarkets are online now, so you can jump on and compare prices between them. This is a really simple and quick way to find the best prices on the produce you use most. Always been sure to compare a number of different fruits and vegetables so you can be sure where the value is. The next step is to head into the store and check them out to ensure they look fresh.
- Buy the “Clean Fifteen”: The Environmental Working group has released a list called the clean fifteen. It names the vegetables that have the least pesticides in them. Thus, they’re considered to pose the lowest risk when you can’t purchase them organic. The list includes: avocados, sweet corn, pineapples, cabbage, frozen peas, onions, asparagus, mangoes, papayas, kiwis, eggplant, grapefruit, cantaloupe, cauliflower and sweet potatoes. On the other hand, they recommend always purchasing the following items organic: apples, strawberries, grapes, celery, peaches, spinach, sweet bell peppers, imported nectarines, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, imported snap peas and potatoes.
- Cook in bulk: If you can cook up a big batch of food and freeze some for later nights, it will save you in the long run. Cooking from scratch is also typically much cheaper than ordering in. While it can be tempting to buy something that’s ready to go, you do end up paying for it.
If you’re looking to save money, buy in bulk, cook in bulk, and make it fresh. This will also result in less waste overall, which is another way to save your money when buying organic. It’s always a good idea to sit your oldest meat and vegetables at the front of the fridge, then you will instinctively reach for this first. Check the use by dates and make note of them – it’s all too easy for time to get away from you and the food to be forgotten. At the end of the day, that will cost you more than the price of the food in the first place.
Organic food doesn’t need to break your budget. There are plenty of ways to ensure you get the right foods for the right price if you are willing to give it a go. There are so many advantages that come with buying organic, and once you start you will be hooked!
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