Learning How to Embrace Budgeting (The Love Your Budget Course is LIVE)
I’m not going to lie, most people think budgeting suucckkkkkks, and with good reason perhaps. I remember the first time I gave a weak effort to learn how to budget, and it just didn’t work for me. It took me a lot of trial and error to find a budget that allowed me to feel GOOD about my money. But I found it!
Now that I’ve been budgeting for a few solid years now, and have been able to pay off my student loans, dive into full-time entrepreneurship, and start saving for a home, I want to help others love their budgets as well.
Introducing the Love Your Budget Course!
I know I’ve dropped a few hints and updates here and there, but I am so excited to share that my budgeting course is finally LIVE and ready for enrollment.
It’s called Love Your Budget and it’s packed with over 4 hours of video content, helpful worksheets, and spreadsheets, along with tutorials to help you learn how to love and embrace budgeting.
I realized that budgets are often either undervalued or overlooked in the personal finance space but they are the key to your success.
Just like money, your budget is a tool that will help you improve your life all around if implemented correctly. Too many people set themselves up for failure making common budgeting mistakes that make them feel deprived.
Not me. I’ve lived a pretty blessed and prosperous life. I’ve been able to:
- Pay off $30,000 of debt
- Build a solid emergency fund
- Start saving for a house
- Quit my job to work for myself
- Travel with my family
- Indulge in my values
All while living on a budget. The trick has been controlling my money and not letting it control me. A budget is just a spending plan and I create the rules according to my comfort level.
If your budget has been making you feel like a prisoner, or if you have absolutely no idea what’s going on with your money, this course is going to help you turn things around.
Life Wasn’t Always This Good
Long-time readers know my finances were a hot mess a few years ago. I struggling through college as a single mom and so broke that I couldn’t even wash my clothes. I was so financially strained that even my caseworker in the welfare office wondered how I was getting by.
I worked a few part-time jobs and increased my skills so I could make more money. However, all along I had convinced myself that budgeting wasn’t an option for me and wouldn’t work.
When I finally laid out my finances and created a realistic spending plan, I felt a huge sigh of relief. I wasted so much time and energy hiding from my true financial situation and avoiding the real numbers.
Then believe it or not, big things started to happen for me in the money department. Go figure! I was finally able to make progress instead of feeling like I was never going to get ahead.
It took some trial and error to come up with the right plan for me, but I created this course to help you streamline this crucial process. This course isn’t one-size fit-all instructions which is why it works for the masses.
What You’ll Learn and What’s Included
In the Love Your Budget course, I’m literally giving you everything I’ve learned about budgeting and taught my coaching clients. The material is filled with proven methods and strategies that you can adjust to fit your lifestyle.
The main course includes 4 main educational course modules. There are several video lessons within each module.
Module 1 – Setting a Foundation
In this module, you’ll learn how to overcome past struggles with budgeting, change your mindset, set solid goals and track your spending to ensure budgeting success
Module 2 – Choose Your Budgeting Style
In module 2, I walk you through a variety of effective budgeting methods and provide examples so you can choose a core strategy behind your next budget.
Module 3 – Creating Your DIY Budget
Module 3 is all about creating a winning budget that meets all your wants and needs. You’ll learn how to budget by setting yourself up for success and I’ll walk you through my step-by-step tutorial while sharing some of my favorite tools for successful budgeting
Module 4 – Making it Stick
The final module is all about making your budget sustainable and long-lasting. There’s no point in going through the course if you’re not going to make your efforts stick. You’ll learn how to genuinely love your budget along with earning more, spending less, and maintaining your spending plan long-term.
I created a few bonuses for the course that you will have access to depending on which package you sign up for. Some of the bonuses include:
- One-on-one financial coaching with me
- Course workbook with forms, worksheets and more
- Secrets of Successful Budgeters Video Series – 4-part series where I sit down to chat with REAL people living well on a budget to get insight on how they make it work and thrive financially. This video series is great for those of you who want to see specific budgeting styles in action!
- 5th learning module – If you need more advanced training, I have an extra course module available to teach you how to budget for debt payments, budget for savings/retirement, and more!
- Budget Beyond Your Paycheck Worksheet Bundle (7+ custom worksheets to help you stop living paycheck to paycheck)
Learn How to Budget and Change Your Mindset…
When you change your mindset, you change your speech, which changes your actions, which changes your results.
This course starts by helping you change your mindset surrounding budgeting. Then it equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to be successful. Then, students learn how to tie it all together and stick with a long-term budget plan that makes them feel awesome and in control.
Ready to Learn More and Get Started
You can find additional details about the course here to see if it’s right for you. You owe it to yourself to understand how money works and enjoy managing your finances.
Stop Worrying About Money and Regain Control

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