It’s HERE! – Freedom With Freelance Writing!
Hey Everyone! Over the past few weeks, I’ve been hinting at working on something BIG to help people earn money online with freelancing.
So there’s two things.
1.) I’ve been working on launching my new blog, which will take a different approach from this blog. Nothing is changing on MyDebtEpiphany, but will focus more on working remotely and building a flexible online business.
2.) I get so many questions about freelance writing and how I turned it into a full-time job. With more and more Americans diving into freelancing, I wanted to create a program that can help you learn how to start freelance writing and go from $0 to earning several thousand dollars per month.
So after several months of planning and creating, this week I’m launching Freedom With Freelance Writing!
This course breaks down step-by-step how to become a freelance writer (with no experience) and how to go from side hustle to full-time freelancer. Remember, you can earn a full-time income from freelancing with only part-time hours.
Table of Contents
Why I Decided to Become a Freelance Writer
I turned to freelance writing because I wanted a change. My last 9-5 job was okay at first, but it didn’t really make me feel fulfilled or like I was doing work that inspired me. I truly believe that if you’re going to spend so much of your life working, you might as well do something you enjoy and are passionate about.
There have been many benefits of working from home like:
- Being able to set my own schedule
- Enjoy more time with family
- Volunteer at my son’s school
- And have more energy and availability to provide self-care
About 5 years ago, I was working and commuting back and forth to work so much that I felt extremely drained and had gained a lot of weight. I always had sugary drinks and candy at my desk because it helped me cope with the stress of work.
Now that I work for myself, I have more freedom and flexibility over my schedule and what I prioritize. Back when gyms were open, I’d go to fitness classes at 8 am before starting my writing work and I enjoy having that option.
How I Got Started
I actually started freelance writing before I started this blog. I used to read personal finance blogs all the time and I reached out to one of my favorite bloggers to see if I could contribute to their site. Mind you, I was so passionate about writing that I started doing this for free. At the time, I was also picking up $20 article gigs on Craigslist.
Then, I saw people making REAL money from freelance writing. Some were successful 6-figure writers and I wanted in. I found someone who could be a good mentor in terms of teaching me everything I needed to know about becoming a profitable freelance writer.
I’m not going to lie, I did have to make some sacrifices in order to pay for a writing mentor but luckily I was able to break the fee up into 3 payments. Still, I knew that if I just landed 1-3 clients, I would earn back that investment and bring in a steady side income to help me pay off my debt faster.
Fast forward 5 years, my freelance writing business has been consistent and growing. I know there are so many other people out there looking for a real and flexible way to make money online – so I created Freedom With Freelance Writing to show you how!
Freedom With Freelance Writing – Here’s What You Learn & Get:
Each week, for six weeks, you will learn a new skill to help you build your freelance writing business and portfolio.
Week #1: You’ll learn the mindset shifts you need to make to go from employee to freelance writer/online business owner
Week #2: You’ll learn how to build a portfolio and get quality writing samples. Fun fact: In 5 years a writing client has never asked me for a resume and I haven’t had to send any tricky cover letters BUT I will show you what I do.
Week #3: This is the week where I will help you get your first client! So yes, you’ll get a few clients and start making money before the program even ends. You’ll also learn how to price your services properly and you’ll probably be surprised to see what freelance writers can earn.
Week #4: This week will cover how to grow your business through networking and get more referral work (I’m an introvert but still ace the strategies I’ll share with you), as well as teach you how to manage your client load and outsource if you need to scale your business.
Week #5: We will talk about how to diversify your services and packages in order to make more money, and how to plan for business expenses.
Week #6: This is the week we go over more productivity and scheduling tips for success. Plus I’m sharing my proven strategy for earning $150 each day BEFORE 9 am! Talk about a good morning.
- Bonus #1: 4-Day Pitching Challenge – (To help you land your first clients FAST). Learn how to land more clients with targeted pitching strategies.
- Bonus #2: Personalized Pitch Review – Pitch clients with confidence knowing that you can send pitches to me first for review and personalized feedback.
- Bonus #3: Freelance Income + Profit Tracker – Do you know the difference between income and profit? This customizable spreadsheet will help you keep track of all your freelance payments, expenses, and tax payments from month-to-month so you can get a clear picture of your earnings as you reach income goals.
- Bonus #4: Rate Increase Template – My rate increase templates will help you secure the rate you want without damaging a professional relationship.
- Bonus #5: Private Facebook Group – You’ll also get access to a private Facebook group that is for students of the Freedom With Freelance course. This group will have accountability and support, live office hours, leads, networking opportunities, and it’s free for 90 days when you enroll!
- Bonus #6: Massive List of Leads – In the private Facebook group you’ll have access to my Massive List of Client Leads with over 100 websites and businesses that hire writers.
To quickly recap, the Freedom With Freelance Writing course will teach you:
- How to make the mindset shift from employee to successful business owner
- How to find your dream writing clients
- Different types of writing work you can paid for
- How to price your services for profit
- Strategies to land your first client by the end of Week 3 in the program
- How to solidify your brand
- Winning networking strategies to get more referrals
- Productivity and scheduling tips
- How to keep clients and team members happy long term
- And much, much more!
Plus you get amazing support throughout the course:
Learn more about the program and enroll here.
Student Testimonials
My goal is to help everyone who enrolls be successful and find their first few clients before the program even ends. That way, you’re making money and earning back your investment early on. Check out what people are already saying about working with me.
If you are looking to improve your pitch and start landing freelance writing clients, I would suggest Choncé’s course. Each lesson you get a new step that is easy to follow and put into action. I got my first gig days after implementing Chonce’s course content. A meager investment for a great return!”
– Sabrina Jay (Took the 4-day Pitching Challenge which is included in Freedom With Freelance Writing)
Working with Chonce truly helped me gain the clarity and insight I needed to level up in my freelance writing. She was very patient with me as I asked many questions and her answers were always extremely helpful. She shared amazing leads with me and one ended up with me landing a staff writing trial with Young Adult Money!
Chonce really knows her stuff and if you actually want to scale your writing business then I highly recommend working with her in ANY capacity!”
-Angelique MacArthur, blogger at (Worked with me via one-on-one freelance writing coaching)
Thank You For The Support!
I just wanted to give you a big thanks for all the support whether you’re a new reader or have been around for some time. Writing quality and engaging content doesn’t as much if there aren’t awesome people to read it and be impacted by it.
If you’re interested in enrolling in Freedom With Freelance Writing, you can do that here. Or if you know someone who may be interested in joining the program feel free to share it with them.
If you want to learn more about the freelance writing world before you dive into the course, then join my free webinar training on freelance writing here.
See you inside the webinar and course!
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